Внутриресурсный каталог Кавказского фонда культуры, исследований и солидарности.

Всего найдено записей: : 2307
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Название произведения Дата издания -
Визуально Номер полки Название произведения Автор Дата издания Язык Категория
DG.M.EN.000009 A Selected Bibliographic Study about History of the Caucasus Yenal Ünal 2013 İngilizce Araştırma,Makale
DG.M.EN.000011 The Sochi Predicament Bo Petersson, Karina Vamling 2014 İngilizce Diğer Konular,Kültür-Sanat,Makale
DG.M.EN.000013 Prisoners of Caucasus Peter Scotto 2011 İngilizce Makale,Siyaset,Sosyoloji,Tarih
DG.M.EN.000017 North Caucasus: On the Brink of Far-Reaching Destabilasation C.W. Blandy 2005 İngilizce Araştırma,Makale,Siyaset,Sosyoloji,Tarih
DG.M.EN.000018 The Northwest Caucasian Languages Peter Arkadiev, Yury Lander 2018 İngilizce Filoloji,Araştırma,Makale
DG.M.EN.000019 The Caucasus Duncan Cameron 1861 İngilizce Araştırma,Makale,Seyahatname,Sosyoloji,Tarih
A Year Among The Circassians (Çerkesler Arasında Bir Yıl) 1 ENG.KT.00074 A Year Among The Circassians (Çerkesler Arasında Bir Yıl) 1 J.A. Longworth, İngilizce Araştırma
ENG.KT.00075 A Year Among The Circassians (Çerkesler Arasında Bir Yıl) 2 J.A. Longworth, İngilizce Araştırma
Independence of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Caucasus ENG.KT.00122 Independence of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Caucasus Muhtelif 2010 İngilizce Makale
Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia: To which are Added, the Account of a Journey Into Persia in 1812, and an Abridged History of Persia Since the Time of Nadir Shah ENG.KT.00232 Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia: To which are Added, the Account of a Journey Into Persia in 1812, and an Abridged History of Persia Since the Time of Nadir Shah Frederika von Freygang, Wilhelm von Freygang İngilizce Tarih
Turkey and The Caucasus Domestic Interest and Security Concerns ENG.KT.00236 Turkey and The Caucasus Domestic Interest and Security Concerns Gareth M. Winrow İngilizce Siyaset
Orientalism and Empire: North Caucasus Mountain Peoples and the Georgian Frontier, 1845-1917 ENG.KT.00250 Orientalism and Empire: North Caucasus Mountain Peoples and the Georgian Frontier, 1845-1917 Austin Jersild 2003 İngilizce Tarih
Gordion Museum ENG.KT.00253 Gordion Museum 2011 İngilizce Arkeoloji,Turizm
New Geopolitics of Central Asia and The Caucasus Causes of Instability and Predicament ENG.KT.00259 New Geopolitics of Central Asia and The Caucasus Causes of Instability and Predicament Mustafa Aydın 2000 İngilizce Dergi
The Caucasus: An Introduction ENG.KT.00260 The Caucasus: An Introduction Thomas De Waal 2010 İngilizce Araştırma
The Origin of the Ottoman-Russian Rivalry and the Don-Volga Canal (1569) ENG.KT.00261 The Origin of the Ottoman-Russian Rivalry and the Don-Volga Canal (1569) Halil İnalcık 1947 İngilizce Tarih
The Caucasian Highlands: A Physical, Biological, and Ethnographical Sketch of Svatetia ENG.KT.00265 The Caucasian Highlands: A Physical, Biological, and Ethnographical Sketch of Svatetia Victor Dingelstedt 1985 İngilizce Coğrafya
The Caucasus - An Introduction ENG.KT.00266 The Caucasus - An Introduction Frederik Coene 2009 İngilizce Araştırma,Arkeoloji,Siyaset
Circassian Benevolent Association Programs Management Plan ENG.KT.00268 Circassian Benevolent Association Programs Management Plan Muhtelif 2002 İngilizce Diğer Konular
POLITICS OF THE BLACK SEA ENG.KT.00035 POLITICS OF THE BLACK SEA TUN. AYBAK 2001 İngilizce Uluslar arası İlişkiler-Siyaset Bilimi