Caucasian Research Culture and Solidarity Foundation Online Catalogue

Total Entries Found:: 2
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Category Author Remarks
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Title Date of Publishing -
Image Shelf Number Title Author Date of Publishing Language Category
Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Variation in the Caucasus 177 Mitochondrial DNA and Y-Chromosome Variation in the Caucasus I. Nasidze1,*, E. Y. S. Ling1,2, D. Quinque1, I. Dupanloup3, R. Cordaux1, S. Rychkov4, O. Naumova4, 2004 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
The social identity and social networks of ethnic minority groups in organizations: a crucial test of distinctiveness theory 431 The social identity and social networks of ethnic minority groups in organizations: a crucial test of distinctiveness theory ANA SIERRA LEONARD1*, AJAY MEHRA2 AND RALPH KATERBERG3 2007 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER

© 2015 Caucasian Research Culture and Solidarity Foundation