Caucasian Research Culture and Solidarity Foundation Online Catalogue

Total Entries Found:: 2
Material Publisher Subject
Category Author Remarks
Language Shelf Number Keywords
Title Date of Publishing -
Image Shelf Number Title Author Date of Publishing Language Category
The End of the MamlÜk Sultanate: (Why did the Ottomans Spare the Mamlüks of Egypt and Wipe out the Mamlüks of Syria?) 542 The End of the MamlÜk Sultanate: (Why did the Ottomans Spare the Mamlüks of Egypt and Wipe out the Mamlüks of Syria?) David Ayalon 1987 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
The Role of the Kizlar Agasi in 17th-18th Century Ottoman Egypt 531 The Role of the Kizlar Agasi in 17th-18th Century Ottoman Egypt Jane Hathaway 1992 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER

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