Caucasian Research Culture and Solidarity Foundation Online Catalogue

Total Entries Found:: 2
Material Publisher Subject
Category Author Remarks
Language Shelf Number Keywords
Title Date of Publishing -
Image Shelf Number Title Author Date of Publishing Language Category
Haxthausen. The Tribes of the Caucasus (Haxthausen. Kafkas Kabileleri) DG.M.EN.000102 Haxthausen. The Tribes of the Caucasus (Haxthausen. Kafkas Kabileleri) 1855 İngilizce Makale,Sosyoloji
Travels in the Caucasus and Georgia, performed in the years 1807 and 1808, by Command of the Russian Government. By Julius Von Klaproth 462 Travels in the Caucasus and Georgia, performed in the years 1807 and 1808, by Command of the Russian Government. By Julius Von Klaproth 1817 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER

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