Caucasian Research Culture and Solidarity Foundation Online Catalogue

Total Entries Found:: 2
Material Publisher Subject
Category Author Remarks
Language Shelf Number Keywords
Title Date of Publishing -
Image Shelf Number Title Author Date of Publishing Language Category
Ethnic Boundaries and Identity in Plural Societies 249 Ethnic Boundaries and Identity in Plural Societies Jimy M. Sanders 2002 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Narrative Analysis - Or Why (And How) Sociologists Should Be Interested In Narrative (Anlatı Analizi - Veya Neden (ve Nasıl) Sosyologlar Anlatı ile İlgilenmeli) DG.M.EN.000126 Narrative Analysis - Or Why (And How) Sociologists Should Be Interested In Narrative (Anlatı Analizi - Veya Neden (ve Nasıl) Sosyologlar Anlatı ile İlgilenmeli) Roberto Franzosi 1998 İngilizce Dil,Makale

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