Caucasian Research Culture and Solidarity Foundation Online Catalogue

Total Entries Found:: 13908
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Title Date of Publishing -
Image Shelf Number Title Author Date of Publishing Language Category
TR.KT.03303 Hayat Ansiklopedisi 5 Muhtelif Türkçe Diğer Konular
TR.KT.03304 Hayat Ansiklopedisi 6 Muhtelif Türkçe Diğer Konular
A Year Among The Circassians (Çerkesler Arasında Bir Yıl) 1 ENG.KT.00074 A Year Among The Circassians (Çerkesler Arasında Bir Yıl) 1 J.A. Longworth, İngilizce Araştırma
ENG.KT.00075 A Year Among The Circassians (Çerkesler Arasında Bir Yıl) 2 J.A. Longworth, İngilizce Araştırma
Abkhazia A Traveller's Guide & Phrasebook ENG.KT.00194 Abkhazia A Traveller's Guide & Phrasebook Sophie Royle İngilizce Turizm
IRCICA PUBLICATIONS (Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture) ENG.KT.00196 IRCICA PUBLICATIONS (Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture) IRCICA (Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture) İngilizce Diğer Konular
Russian Policy and the Emigration of the Crimean Tatars to the Otooman Empire, 1854-1862 ENG.KT.00202 Russian Policy and the Emigration of the Crimean Tatars to the Otooman Empire, 1854-1862 Mark Pinson İngilizce Tarih
Beslan The Tragedy of School No. 1 ENG.KT.00204 Beslan The Tragedy of School No. 1 Timothy Phillips İngilizce Araştırma,Tarih
The Royal Hordes Nomad Peoples of the Steppes ENG.KT.00205 The Royal Hordes Nomad Peoples of the Steppes E.D. Phillips İngilizce Arkeoloji
Last of The Amazons ENG.KT.00207 Last of The Amazons Steven Pressfield İngilizce Edebiyat
The Hittites: and their Contemporaries in Asia Minor ENG.KT.00208 The Hittites: and their Contemporaries in Asia Minor J.G. Macqueen İngilizce Arkeoloji,Tarih
The Neolithic of the Near East ENG.KT.00210 The Neolithic of the Near East James Melaart İngilizce Arkeoloji,Tarih
The World Remembers Those Children ENG.KT.00211 The World Remembers Those Children İngilizce Araştırma,Fotoğraf-Resim
Essays in Basque Social Anthropology and History ENG.KT.00119 Essays in Basque Social Anthropology and History William A. Douglass (Edited by) İngilizce Antropoloji,Araştırma,Siyaset
Circassian Claus Structure ENG.KT.00121 Circassian Claus Structure Mukhadin Kumakhov & Karina Vamling Adıgece,İngilizce Dil
Adıghean  Vocabulary (Western Circassian) ENG.KT.00126 Adıghean Vocabulary (Western Circassian) Adel Abdulsalam Adıgece,Arapça,İngilizce Sözlük
The Deluget Civilization of The Caucasus Isthmus ENG.KT.00225 The Deluget Civilization of The Caucasus Isthmus Reginali Aubrey Fessenden İngilizce Antropoloji,Tarih
Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia: To which are Added, the Account of a Journey Into Persia in 1812, and an Abridged History of Persia Since the Time of Nadir Shah ENG.KT.00232 Letters from the Caucasus and Georgia: To which are Added, the Account of a Journey Into Persia in 1812, and an Abridged History of Persia Since the Time of Nadir Shah Frederika von Freygang, Wilhelm von Freygang İngilizce Tarih
Bridging The Gender Digital Divide ENG.KT.00234 Bridging The Gender Digital Divide İngilizce Araştırma

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