Кавказ Къэхутэныгъэ, Щэнхабзэ, Зэкъуэтыныгъэ Фонд Онлаин Каталог

Къэгъуэта запись псор:: 4
Материал ТедзапIэ Зытеухуар
IЫхьэ ТхакIуэ Даущ
Бзэ ТелъхьэпIэ Номыр Псалъэ Нэхъыщхьэхэр
Тхыгъэм и ЦIэр Щытырадза Зэман -
Сурэт ТелъхьэпIэ Номыр Тхыгъэм и ЦIэр ТхакIуэ Щытырадза Зэман Бзэ IЫхьэ
Studies on the Structure of the Mamluk Army--III 492 Studies on the Structure of the Mamluk Army--III David Ayalon 1954 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
The Influence of C_?ingiz-??an's Yasa upon the General Organization of the Mamluk State 470 The Influence of C_?ingiz-??an's Yasa upon the General Organization of the Mamluk State A. N. Poliak 1942 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Studies on the Structure of the Mamluk Army--III 329 Studies on the Structure of the Mamluk Army--III David Ayalon 1954 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Al-Jabarti's Introduction to the History of Ottoman Egypt 143 Al-Jabarti's Introduction to the History of Ottoman Egypt P. M. Holt 1962 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER

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