Caucasian Research Culture and Solidarity Foundation Online Catalogue

Total Entries Found:: 13983
Material Publisher Subject
Category Author Remarks
Language Shelf Number Keywords
Title Date of Publishing -
Image Shelf Number Title Author Date of Publishing Language Category
Clothing Laws , State And Society In The Ottoman Empire 1720-1829 (Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Kıyafet Kanunları, Devlet ve Toplum 1720-1829) DG.M.EN.000081 Clothing Laws , State And Society In The Ottoman Empire 1720-1829 (Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Kıyafet Kanunları, Devlet ve Toplum 1720-1829) Donald Quataert 1997 İngilizce Hukuk,Makale,Tarih
Colour Symbolism in the Folk Literature of the Caucasus 213 Colour Symbolism in the Folk Literature of the Caucasus David Hunt 2006 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Independence of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Caucasus 30 - 31 May 2009, İstanbul (Abhazya'nın Bağımsızlığı ve Kafkasya İçin Beklentiler 30 - 31 Mayıs 2009, İstanbul) DG.M.EN.000082 Independence of Abkhazia and Prospects for the Caucasus 30 - 31 May 2009, İstanbul (Abhazya'nın Bağımsızlığı ve Kafkasya İçin Beklentiler 30 - 31 Mayıs 2009, İstanbul) 2009 İngilizce Makale
Craniometry of the Caucasus in the Feudal Period (Feodal Dönemde Kafkasya'nın Kraniyometrisi) DG.M.EN.000083 Craniometry of the Caucasus in the Feudal Period (Feodal Dönemde Kafkasya'nın Kraniyometrisi) Malkhas G. Abdushelishvili 1984 İngilizce Antropoloji,Makale
The British and Ottoman defenders of Kars were forgotten heroes of the Crimean War 216 The British and Ottoman defenders of Kars were forgotten heroes of the Crimean War JAMES REID 2006 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Critical Discourse Analysis (Eleştirel Söylem Analizi) DG.M.EN.000084 Critical Discourse Analysis (Eleştirel Söylem Analizi) Jan Blommaert - Chris Bulcaen 2000 İngilizce Dil,Makale
Cultural aspects of globalization 218 Cultural aspects of globalization Harry C. Triandis 2006 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Cultural Reification in Circassian Diaspora: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Ethnic Relations 220 Cultural Reification in Circassian Diaspora: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Ethnic Relations Ayhan Kaya 2005 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Cultural Representation and Ideological Domination 221 Cultural Representation and Ideological Domination Richard Harvey Brown 1993 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Culture and Identity in the South Pacific: A Comparative Analysis 222 Culture and Identity in the South Pacific: A Comparative Analysis Robert Norton 1993 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Culture as Identity: An Anthropologist's View (Kimlik Olarak Kültür: Bir Antropoloğun Görüşü) DG.M.EN.000085 Culture as Identity: An Anthropologist's View (Kimlik Olarak Kültür: Bir Antropoloğun Görüşü) Anthony P. Cohen 1993 İngilizce Antropoloji,Makale
Curious Customs of the Circassians (Çerkeslerin Tuhaf Gelenekleri) DG.M.EN.000086 Curious Customs of the Circassians (Çerkeslerin Tuhaf Gelenekleri) 1794 İngilizce Kültür-Sanat,Makale
Cushites, Colchians, and Khazars DG.M.EN.000087 Cushites, Colchians, and Khazars Patrick T. English 1959 İngilizce Makale
REFLECTIONS ON THE CAUCASUS 226 REFLECTIONS ON THE CAUCASUS Annsi Kullberg, Antero Leitzinger, Ayhan Kaya, Cem Özdemir, Charles King, Daniel Müller, 2010 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
The Dialect Of Abkhaz (Abhaz Diyalekti) DG.M.EN.000088 The Dialect Of Abkhaz (Abhaz Diyalekti) Bert Vauh - Zihni Pesiypa 1997 İngilizce Dil,Makale
Cyzicus 228 Cyzicus Robert de Rustafjaell 1902 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
Ethno-demographic history of Abkhazia, 1886 - 1989 230 Ethno-demographic history of Abkhazia, 1886 - 1989 Daniel Müller 1989 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER
David Urquhart and the Eastern Question, 1833-37: A Study in Publicity and Diplomacy (David Urquhart ve Doğu Sorunu, 1833-37: Tanıtım ve Diplomasi Üzerine Bir Çalışma) DG.M.EN.000089 David Urquhart and the Eastern Question, 1833-37: A Study in Publicity and Diplomacy (David Urquhart ve Doğu Sorunu, 1833-37: Tanıtım ve Diplomasi Üzerine Bir Çalışma) G. H. Bolsover 1936 İngilizce Makale,Siyaset
The Diplomacy of the Caucasus War as a History Lesson 233 The Diplomacy of the Caucasus War as a History Lesson VLADIMIR DEGOEV 2004 İNGİLİZCE İNGİLİZCE MAKALELER

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